Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

// About service

Cloud Computing

By adopting the AWS Cloud, we provide the most functionality. Most security and most proven operational experience. We provide your business with sustainable advantages. Our team assists through a collection of offerings which can help you achieve specific outcomes related to enterprise cloud adoption. 


By the end of 2021, 67% of all enterprise infrastructure will be cloud-based.

// our service

Our Cloud Computing
Services Include

Less involvement from IT Team
A cloud-based data solution means IT doesn't have to provide updates, support, or security. Having these provided by an external source will enable 24/7 support and consistent maintenance and security updates, as this will be the first priority.
Improved Collaboration
Today, the cloud enables workers from anywhere in the world to instantly communicate with each other, resulting in higher cooperation, engagement, and continuous learning. Employees are able to contribute to shared work without duplicated efforts or repetitive manual processes.
Data Security
Contrary to many beliefs, research has shown that storing data in the cloud is actually more secure than storing it in a traditional, in-house system. On cloud systems, authorized employees can limit accessibility of data to certain parties, and as long as the passwords are secure, the data will be as well. Further, it is possible to monitor access to the system as well as any changes to or removal of data.
Many employees now like to take advantage of the opportunity to work from home. In organizations with traditional data processes, this can be unsafe or impossible. But with cloud computing, employees can access their information from any web-enabled device, as long as they have been authorized to do so. Cloud-based systems also give organizations the ability to quickly and easily move data or increase storage space.
Competitive Advantage
With an external party handling system maintenance and security, IT and risk teams are able to focus on their core business, performing value-added activities and an increase in productivity. Also, Cloud computing enables constant access to data and associated analytics.
Cost Savings
Similar to most outsourcing scenarios, moving data to the cloud results in lower costs.